miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014


Imagine there's peace.
Imagine there's no hunger.
Imagine there isn't any possessions.
Imagine if we didn't have to kill or die for.
Imagine if we had a brotherhood of the man.
Imagine if we could share love instead of hate with all the world.

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014


Now, I am going to post four jokes:

1. ''Why was the teacher eyes crossed? Because she couldn't control her pupils.''

2. ''When you wait for a waiter in a restaurant... aren't you a waiter?''

''-Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation?
-Yes, of course...
-Great! I never could before!''.

''-My dog speaks in English.
-Listen: Barky, how's the economic situation in Spain these days?
-Rough, rough!''